LRO DIVINER Polar Cumulative Product (PCP)

PCP – Polar Cumulative Product

Instrument:Diviner Lunar Radar Experiment

PDS3 Data Set ID: LRO-L-DLRE-5-GCP-V1.0DOI: 10.17189/1520655

PDS4 Bundle: urn:nasa:pds:lro_diviner_derived1DOI: 10.17189/wj0s-w188

LRO PDS3 to PDS4 Migration Status: Complete

For more information about Diviner PCP products, see the RDR and Derived Product SIS.

The Diviner Lunar Radar Experiment Polar Cumulative Products (PCP) are derived from Diviner Level 1 RDR radiances binned at 240 m pix-1 and either 0.25 hours of local time or 3.75° of subsolar longitude from a compilation of all nadir observations acquired from 5-July-2009 to 17-Feb-2019 as described in Williams et al., J. Geophys. Res. 124, 2505 – 2521, 2019. Each file contains a single header line followed by a line for each bin containing distances from the pole (x,y) normalized by the mean radius 1737.4 km, the longitude and latitude, and the bolometric brightness temperature derived from the binned radiances of the seven infrared channels. The data set covers a 10° latitude cap at each pole (i.e. -90° to -80° S and 80° to 90° N) and is divided between summer and winter defined by the subsolar latitude being above or below the equator. Each file represents a single local time bin, or a single subsola longitude bin. Bins that contained no data are excluded.

Diviner PCP products have the following file names:

The file names for each PCP (diurnal) are of the format:

PCP_AVG_[VAL]_[PROJ]_[SEASON]_[TYPE][NUM]_[RES].TAB (with detached PDS label)

The file names for each PCP (seasonal) are of the format:

PCP_AVG_[VAL]_[PROJ]_LS[NUMLS]_[TYPE][NUM]_[RES].TAB (with detached PDS label)


  • VAL is the binned value which is always “TBOL”, the average bolometric brightness temperature (degrees Kelvin).

  • PROJ is the projection, either “POLN” for north polar stereo, or “POLS” for south polar stereo.

  • SEASON is either “SUM” for summer, or “WIN” for winter season.

  • NUMLS is the bin center for the ecliptic longitude value in degrees where bin edges are +/-30 degrees.

  • TYPE is either “LTIM” and “SLON” for the local time or subsolar longitude.

  • NUM is a number (1 – 96) for the 96 local time steps or 96 solar longitude increments. The translation from NUM to the lower LTIM is LTIM=(NUM-1)*0.25 with the value of 1 corresponding to LTIM 0 to 0.25. The translation from NUM to lower SLON is SLON=(NUM-1)*3.75 with the value of 1 corresponding to SLON 0 to 3.75.

  • RES is a three digit number indicating the resolution of the data in meters per pixel. Currently the PCP product contains only 240 meters per pixel.

In ODE, PCP products have the following product IDs: